Last Sunday, I went to the chapel to think about my life. A mother sat in front of me with her brood. She tried so hard to quieten them but to no avail. For someone in a quiet place, I felt her frustration. It was distracting. Until the son asked a question that piqued my interest. Mom…who is Christ? Did he keep his bible here? Is he really everywhere? I watched the mom struggle to give him fitting explanations. When his curiosity had been satisfied, he stayed put. And his siblings followed.
It was supposed to be just random questions from a child's curiosity. But it struck me. Since I was already thinking about my life, I can as well add a life lesson. Question conventions, friend. Question the norms. Find yourself or lack of self in them. Don't just take it because they take it. Take it because it fits. You will see dots begin to connect. It will be easier to find your way, however lost you are. Even better, you can forge new paths.
The easiest way to know the future is to study the past.
Same with you, the easiest way to find yourself is to trace your patterns. Follow your own trail. I will show you how. I am sure you did your end of year wrap-up—or whatever you have chosen to call it. (You didn't? Why not? Even Spotify has one). If you have not, take your time. No pressure (There is. I am just being nice.) I do want you to analyze your experiences from the previous year and find the patterns. What hurt. Why? What was joyful. Why? Find the common threads. What you wanted or didn’t want. In all, I am saying define yourself.
In the end, you may end up taking the same path. But you will know your whys. For this reason, You will be more driven and better motivated. Very much unlike how you would have been if you were just following the crowd. The Herd instinct. Doing it because they do it. Playing safe because you are afraid you’ll get lost.
This new year, I hope you ask questions. Question what you know. Ask the whys. Not necessarily to contravene them, although you can if you should. But also to find alternate ways to do it. So you do not tie up your cat for nothing.
Ever rooting for you.
My first read of your writing and I must say you’ve got some potential though I will have to read more to get a that click 😌
Thank you for sharing this ❤️❤️❤️
Sitting with yourself and asking questions is so important!
Knowing your 'whys' helps keep you on track